Mental health doesn’t care from what political ideology you subscribe to, but it does affect all of us at some point. And that’s a fact. As of March of 2022 there nearly 240 anti-LGTBQ laws were passed in this country by Republican controlled states. I could also touch on how science in the past 20 years has shed more light on human sexuality and gender identification. Which it has in very concrete ways. Basically, what the Republicans are doing is using their power to suppress a group with less power, this way they can tell their base ‘look, we’re doing something.’ Don’t believe me? Look at their track record.
More broadly what they’re doing is contributing to the rising suicide rates in the LGTBQ community. As we all know, it’s hard enough growing up and coming of age. Now put yourself in the shoes of a person that’s also being marginalized while also navigating the pressures of life you’re also experiencing or have experienced. LGTBQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempted suicide than their peers. Let that sink in… Now review your voting record. Now, consider that you have a friend or relative in this group, probably more than you ever realized. Whether you know it or not. On my recourse page I’ve updated it to now list The Trevor Project. An outstanding site that offers help to the LGTBQ community. To those in the group please know you are loved, and we have your back.
July 2023
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