Just a little break from the running updates for some well crafted songs. Last June when I traveled to Utah for the marathon there I spend nine glorious days exploring the south west. I ended up in Las Vegas to see my favorite band 'The Joy Formidable'. I've seen 'TJF' 9 times and they seem to always have amazing opening acts. Haunted Summer is pretty much the top of the talent pile and they played an amazing set. When they were packing up to head back to California I told them 'If you're ever in Indianapolis I'll be there.' Well as luck would have it they played Indy this past week and like before, they killed it.
As you may have guessed music is extremely important to me, as it is to a lot of people. If I'm awake, then I probably have music playing somewhere close by. If you're looking for a great band to check out please give them a listen. Very soft focus, a dreamy wash of guitar sound. With punctual tones were needed and just so tastefully subtle. Feel free to click on the album art and check out the great sound they have.
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July 2023
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